Friday, March 13, 2009

Worship pt. 1

Hello everyone!

Well, I've decided to do some posts on worship. If everything goes as planned, this will be the first post in a series of blog entries discussing the subject of Worship. Seeing as this is the first time I've really done anything like this, please bear with me. These might not be the most well written blog entries you've ever read.

So today I want to talk about what worship IS. You might say, "It's the slow songs we sing at church," or, "It's the point in the service where we sing songs." Well, sort of. But I think it goes much deeper than singing a song.

I'm in the middle of doing a study on worship, so I recently looked up Scriptures on the subject, most of which were in the Old Testament. No, I'm not going to bore you on the history of Old Testament musical instruments or anything like that. But I hope you don't mind me pointing out one or two Hebrew words and meanings.

1 Chronicles 6:31-32a "David assigned the following men to lead the music at the house of the Lord after the Ark was placed there. 32 They ministered with music at the Tabernacle..."
The Hebrew word for ministered (according to my notes) is sharath. It means "Service before the Lord." You don't have to be up on stage singing or playing an instrument at church to be ministering before the Lord. You can minister to God first of all by singing the songs to Him - not just singing them because it's what's expected of you. But when you really take time to think about the words and sing it to Him, that's ministering to the Lord.
Next, you can minister to God and others by volunteering at church. Whether it be helping out with children's church, passing out church bullitens, greeting people at the door, or even holding a door open for someone, you're ministering to others. You are "serving them before the Lord." This not only is serving others, but it is also serving the Lord because it is obeying His commands to serve.
You can also minister by serving outside of church - in your home, school (for some cases, your home may be your school :) ), where you work, volunteer, etc. You can minister to your family by doing chores around the house without complaining and before you're asked to do them. You can be an extra blessing by doing extra chores. You can also minister by lending a listening ear to a friend, family member, co-worker, etc. The list goes on and on.

But you can do all these things and still not worship God with them if you're not doing them "as unto the Lord." What does this mean? Well, think about it. If you could see Jesus physically, and He was standing right in front of you and asked you to say... wash the dishes, wouldn't you wash the dishes the best you can? When you do something as unto the Lord, you are doing it to Him, giving Him your best out of love for Him. Cain's offering was not accepted by God because it was not his best. 1 Corinthians 13 says that even if you gave all you had to the poor, and didn't have love, that it would be meaningless. Nothing. So we need to have love in all we do - not just love for God, but love for people. True, God doesn't NEED worship, but He still requires it of us. We may get into that in a later post.

So to summarize, worship is giving yourself to God out of love for Him. It is the giving of our time, talents, money (such as tithes, offerings, etc.), our desires, etc., to Him. So today, just ask God to help you surrender your all to Him. Tell Him that you want to serve Him in all you do, and ask Him to give you the strength to do so, and that He would remind you to.

Romans 12:1 "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship." (NIV)


Zoe said...

Hi! My name is Zoe. I found your blog through both Caleb and Araken's blogs.

We have a lot in common, though I have never played the violin. I did consider learning it at one time a couple years ago, but it never became a reality.

How do you like violin? Do you enjoy it?


Violinist4Christ said...

Hi Zoe! Thanks for stopping by. I know you said you don't play violin, but do you play any other instruments?

I do enjoy playing violin. It's become my favorite instrument. :) I think being in an orchestra has kind of made me appreciate playing violin more. It's got me practicing more, anyway! :)

God bless,

Zoe said...

Yep, I play piano and sing. I am attempting to teach myself the harp, but I haven't gotten very far with it yet.

That's really neat. I bet it is fun to play in an orchestra.


Violinist4Christ said...

That's great! How long have you been playing piano and singing? I bet the harp is fun to learn. It's such a beautiful instrument.

It is fun to play in the orchestra. :)

Zoe said...

I have been playing piano for about eight years and singing for I guess about two. It has been fun. :)

Violinist4Christ said...

Cool! You must be really good at piano and singing. What kind of music do you like to play?

Zoe said...

Ultimately Christian. But I also like to play classical and Celtic style. What about you?

Violinist4Christ said...

Oops! I was sure I replied to this. I enjoy playing Christian, classical and Celtic music as well! Occasionally I like playing fiddle music too.