Sunday, August 23, 2009

Burger King - Divine Appointment

Greetings, all!

Sorry for not posting for so long!! Has it really been a whole month already? Yikes.

Anyway, if you're checking this blog still, thanks for your patience! What with school starting, me getting a job (Did I fail to mention that earlier? It HAS been too long!), and other activities going on, it's been hard to find time to get online, much less keep up a blog. But I'll try to do better as I get into the swing of things.

Oh, and yes, I did get a job at the library I've been volunteering at, so I'm really excited about that. It's just a part time job, two days a week. It's been really fun so far, getting to check books out to people, answer people's questions, help people find books, shelve, etc. AND, I'm getting paid, so it won't be very long before I have enough money for the new used violin I'm saving up for!!

Okay, well, you're probably wondering what this has to do with the title. I'm getting to that. Lol. Another reason it's been so long since I've posted is because my family and I went on a road trip to the state of Washington a few weeks ago to visit family. Approx. 2,000 miles there, 2,000 miles back. Yeah. Long road trip. But it was fun. God showed us a lot of things on that trip, which was really great especially since our trip was during the church camp I really wanted to go to.

Anyway, back to the subject of this post. Being on a road trip means finding places to eat on the way that the whole family agrees on, which isn't always the easiest thing. One person wants to eat here, another there, and *gasp* was that a Subway sign we just passed? Let's exit here and go to Subway! ;) But one particular evening, we couldn't decide where to eat. One person wanted to go to this restaurant, while another wanted to go to Burger King. Well, after a lot of discussion, some of it rather frustrated, we decided on Burger King. Now, let me say here that one particular member of my family does NOT like fast food restaurants at all, least of all Burger King. So right there it was worth noting that that family member agreed to eat there. Well, we went in, ordered our food, and as Dad was getting our water, he started talking to a man standing nearby. Well, it turns out that the man was blind, AND was a Christian. He, his friend, and my dad talked almost the entire time we were there, and at the end of the meal, he and the friend prayed for us. It was kind of amazing - he prayed for exactly what we needed then. Then we prayed for them - right there in the middle of Burger King. It was really amazing how God worked. I don't think it was by accident that we stopped at Burger King that night, at that exact time those people were there. The steps of the righteous are ordered of the Lord. (Psalm 37.) God ordered our steps so that we would meet those people then, so we could both be ministered to. Praise God, who directs the paths of those who trust in Him!

A final note, I'd like to hear some feedback from you all! What would you like to see on this blog in the future? I don't always know what to blog about, so any and all ideas are welcome. :)
