Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Wow, it's been a long time since I've blogged. Sorry about that! Sorry if this one's short - I don't have much time to write.

A few weeks ago, we went to see Fireproof at the dollar theater. (We'd been waiting for it to get to the dollar theater, and we were really excited when we saw it there.) It's a really really awesome movie and I encourage you all to go see it. And if you've already seen it, watch it again! :-)

I think it's amazing that they really defined love in this movie - not love as in a feeling, but how it's described in 1 Corinthians 13. It was really neat to see that chapter in action. Fireproof is a movie about a husband and wife that are having marriage problems. Then the husband is given something called the "love dare" where he is supposed to do something special for his wife each day for a certain period of time. At first he does this half-heartedly, and his efforts are rejected, which makes him more frustrated. But with the help of his father, he is persistent and eventually his marriage gets back together.

I thought this was a very realistic movie - their problems didn't just get solved immediately or automatically. It takes patience... longsuffering. In one part of the movie, the song "While I'm Waiting" by John Waller is played. (Awesome song - I encourage you to look it up sometime). It's about waiting on God's timing - but not just sitting back and doing nothing. We are to serve God continually - to worship Him. To obey His commands daily. It was a song I needed to hear that day, and I thought it fit the movie well.

There's a lot more I could say about the movie, but I don't want to spoil it. Hope you get a chance to see it soon!

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